Monday 6 July 2015


   With this little advice, ladies will never have to worry about What to wear before the big night again. There are so many things to be concerned about before heading out on a first date like where to go, what to talk about, what not to talk about, etc. And yet, the number one question we ladies always ask when are about to meet someone for the first time is “What do I wear?”.
It may seem shallow, but how you dress on a first date is pretty important. The reality is, if your date isn’t into the way you look, you might not get the chance to get beyond initial attractions to show how truly great you are; and secure a second date. To make sure you present yourself in the best light, follow these tips for the perfect first date outfit:     
Image result for locations for first dates                                                                  1. The first question to ask yourself when you’re picking an outfit for a first date is where am i going?”. The set location or venue for your date instantly narrows down your clothes to a few that will be considered appropriate. you can’t wear a clubbing outfit to the stadium and vice versa. The clothes you pick have to be suitable also for the time of the day and weather condition. So basically where you are going, the time you are going and the weather condition determines what you wear out.
    2. Another thing to consider when picking outfits for a first date is comfort. LADIES YOU HAVE TO BE COMFORTABLE!! I am actually talking out of experience. I went for a date (actually first date-and i really liked the lad) in a heel i purchased and had never worn. The heel was beautiful but was really painful to wear. But at the time, I just considered its beauty and how perfectly it’ll go with my dress. On the entire date, i had a gruesome face and was so uncomfortable (i nearly cried). Until recently, the lad thought i was just an angry person. You don’t want to go for a date having my face or even worse. Some get so uncomfortable, they have no composure and fidget through out their date (a story i’ll save for another day). So ladies please choose outfits that are a perfect fit and has 0-5% discomfort!
                                               3. Wear makeup but don't exaggerate, most guys hate that. For eyes, which are most important, mascara and eyeliner/eye pencil work best. You can play a little with the colors, but black looks most classic. The whole point of make-up is to make you look better and hide the things you don’t like, so if you want more attention on your lips don’t over-exaggerate on your eyes and so on. Don’t put an inch of foundation on your face, and make sure you put the make-up on after everything, and fifteen minutes before you leave the door so it has time to dry. You want to feel good about yourself and most importantly look good to attract his attention so don’t do too much (else you look too needy-and might scare him off). Some of you ladies prefer nothing at all so kudos (and totally ignore this step).
                                  4. Hygiene ladies, hygiene! Please and please again don’t go out on a date smelling like a bunch of dead rats. Looking good is as important as smelling good. Shave, bath, brush and floss your teeth, and mouthwash right before you leave. Wash your hands and feet carefully in the shower, shampoo your hair, apply deodorant and put it in your bag. Also put on a minimal amount of perfume; guys hate when you wear too much perfume but a little on the wrists and neck is fine. Try a VS perfume. Roll on also works quite well. Go for something more orange or vanilla scented. The entire motive is to smell fresh and nice so don’t overdo it on the scents.
5. Carry along a statement piece that screams you. Of course this depends what you’re wearing and where you’re going but a little accessory never hurt anybody. Accessorize to bring out your personal style since the date is all about getting to know each other. It could be a jewellery, a pair of sunglasses, purse or handbag (basically anything that makes you, you!). Make sure you match it to the outfit, and that it doesn’t look like you went to buy it all with one cedi.