Friday 13 January 2017


Hey guys!!!! So i promised to do a blog every week and i'm trying to deliver. So my male readers have had lots of complaints...basically they feel that they're being left out. So i decided to include them on a very touchy subject. Is beard the makeup for guys???!!

You take a good look at the average university guy on campus and you'd notice a trend or "gang" called “the beard gang”. This is where guys grow their beards to cover their chins and side burns. Though beautiful, this growing trend is becoming a must for these lads. The growing of beards has been equated to the use of makeups on the side of ladies. 

One may ask, does growing of beards make a guy more handsome?
Image result for drake with and without beard

The beard works for Drake so certainly it does!!
I once saw this guy who, prior to growing his beard was not that handsome; but after growing his beard, he could pass for my prince charming. 
On countless occasions i've heard guys say girls who use makeup are totally deceptive. Now if guys say they won’t date a girl who constantly has makeup on, why should girls also date a bearded guy? 

Image result for guys before and after beard

Beards are equally as deceptive as makeup. Makeup makes ladies look prettier just as beards make guys look...well...hotter. I mean most guys rant about how different girls look without their makeup. It has become 'normal' for guys to throw shade at girls after they see them without makeup on. Well I just wanted these same guys to ask themselves if they'd be cool if I, or many other ladies out there, ask “Will I want to date a bearded guy?” and “What if he takes the beard off and what I see is not what I want” before going on dates with them. Doesn't feel good for y'all hiding behind the mask of hair, does it?
Image result for dark skin girls before and after makeup

I mean, I love me a bearded guy (and i'm certainly NOT trying to throw any shade here) but it's not fair that ladies out there are mocked (or even worse) for not looking "the same" without makeup on. Ask yourself if you'd buy ghc300 (or more) worth of product to look "the same"!!

But beards are cool (almost too cool) and whether it's corporately accepted or not, our young lads are going to rock the hell out of their facial hair. So it better be accepted now.

Don't forget to leave your comments in the comment section and lemme know what you think about makeup and beards and what you want me to post about.

Shout outs to my girl Doreen Tutera for helping me with this write up. (Baby girl come for your credits...lmao)