Monday 13 November 2017


Well yeah..I know I said plague and you lot know it is. Don’t chastise me for being the one to actually say it.


It just hits you without any prior warnings or manuals or handbooks and you may sometimes not even enjoy the benefits it comes with. (Adulthood is as trash as men - for banters please. Don’t come for my head)

For many people they are quick to say they realized or were hit by adulthood at the age of 18. LMAOOOOO

Let’s be serious here…you, an 18 year old female (or male - we don’t joke in Africa), living with either parent realized you were an adult by the age of 18? You can not be serious!

My older sister who is married with 2 kids still gets curfew when she’s around here.

According to my Oxford dictionary, an adult is a person who is fully grown or developed; mentally and emotionally.

So in a typical African household, as long as you are living in that household, you can not be an adult. 

You are not allowed to make decisions pertaining your OWN mental and emotional well being without a parent or parent figure rising to tell you how it should be done.

I can understand their intrusive nature. We are in a community where every parent (and by parent I mean AFRICAN MOTHER) wants the very best for their kids and they actually believe that you are never mature or “old enough” to make the best decision for yourself.

Enough of that. Let’s actually take the question into perspective here; “WHEN DID YOU REALIZE YOU WERE AN ADULT?”

I was in a “socialite/elitist/feminist” group and must I say I was surprised when this question came up.
About 90% of these "elite females" were quick to respond that they realized they were adults after some male species yelled something sexist to them.

So you’re randomly walking or going somewhere and some “alpha male” (Lucas) yells “nice tits!” or “nice bum” in your face and how you’re able to respond to that; that composure, they claim, is the measurement of adulthood as a female or when you know you’re an adult.

Bullocks! I randomly yelled “suck my dick” back to those bullies. (Ain’t nothing matured about that!)

But on a more serious note, I’d love to know when you lot realized you were an adult. 

Mine was when I spent GHC300 on some Steve Madden shoes I was eyeing for forever and wore them for a D’Black concert (absolute waste of pretty banging shoes) and my mum couldn’t interfere. 

That was the big adulthood break for me.