Tuesday 17 November 2015


Dear Viewers/Readers
Ermmm...this is quite different from my usual posts but I just had to say something!! So CBS's Two and half men star, Charlie Sheen just confirmed on NBC's "Today" show that he is HIV positive.

Tragic as it may sound, the 50 year old man admitted to having unprotected sex with 2 women!! For 4 years he knew his status and was still having unprotected sex.

Now to my main issue, why do America and the rest of the western world use words so freely? Just because Charlie is a celebrity doesn't make him immortal or different. Not to stigmatize or anything but what he did is very wrong!
Why is he being called BRAVE??!! I could describe him with many words but brave isn't one of them. No matter how "invisible" or "unnoticeable" his virus may be, it's still not right.

He shouldn't be described as a hero for potentially giving other people the virus. It is a good thing he came out to announce his status and even reveal his status to some of his partners before having sex with them.

Y'all misuse words way too much!! Charlie Sheen did wrong by having unprotected sex knowing he carried the virus!!! Say so and let the world learn from it. Stop buttering him up because he's a celebrity.

Giving Caitlyn (Bruce) Jenner 'Glamour Woman of the Year' award when she has been a man for 65 years of her life! SMH...this crap has to change!
                                                                             A FURIOUS OBSERVER.

Monday 2 November 2015

Personal Makeup Tips

I've had tons of people requesting a piece on makeup. Errmm...as you can see in the picture below, i don`t like very loud makeup. (i`m not a makeup pro or anything)

LOL so that is that! No bright lip colors, no highlights & contours, no fake eyelashes, blah blah blah! I like a subtle, almost natural makeup with a flawless finish for my everyday look.

Now to relevant matters , I've been asked (severally - even by guys ) to give my opinion on makeup. And like I said, I'm not a pro or anything and I like very minimum makeup so this may not apply to everyone. However these are just some tips I think every woman should take seriously.

1. Girls please and please again make sure your makeup foundation is your exact skin color. In many instances, the foundation is a shade lighter or darker. This makes you look either muddy or ashy.

In buying makeup foundations, a technique I use is using my neck color to choose the perfect color for my face.

It's not advisable (according to my own experience and observation) to use the back of your hand to choose a color for your face.
Also there are different brands of makeup products so purchase the ones that work for you. (not necessarily ones that you've seen in YouTube videos cos their skin type, skin color and weather type may differ from yours).

2. You also need to know your brands! I'm very particular about this. We all have different skin types hence know which brand of makeup works for you. For instance I\m a dark shade with a reddish undertone and the only foundation brand that really works for similar skin types is Mary Kay. However I prefer Sleek`s pressed powder or Mary Kay`s loose powder for finishing. This may not apply to people with darker undertones so it really is about which brand does what and what actually works for you.

3. With the application, never put concealer or foundation on your eyelids as a base, it`ll cause your eye makeup to crease. Also for a sheer coverage, use your fingers to apply your foundation. However for a more polished, medium to full coverage, you can use your foundation brush (or whatever you prefer).
Lastly, I usually apply my powder where I`m shiniest first (which is my T-zone), with a very light dusting everywhere else. By doing this, your finish appears even and flawless.

4. For seemingly natural and perfect eye makeup, the placements of highlights appears very important. When i do eye makeup, I apply the lighter colors (the whites, creams and pearls) in the inner corners, the middle of the eyelid and just under the brow bone. And after I proceed to the darker shades.
Don`t cram everything up anyhow and expect a good eye makeup finish. (except you like that sort of thing LOL)

5. Lastly, makeup, however perfect or flawless it may be, can only be carried by a good model. You need enough confidence and attitude to pull off your look. So ladies, maybe your winged liner is a bit crooked or your brow is not made perfectly, but you have a living barbie inside of you so let that shine. (Unless your makeup is really terrible...in which case you just have to wash your face and let that inner barbie glow - WITH YOUR NATURAL FACE!)

Sunday 6 September 2015


1. Marvels Ghana

Come and get away from it all with a fun-filled round on the beautiful 18-hole mini-golf course at Marvels Ghana. It is located at Forest Avenue, Abelenkpe Traffic Light, Dzorwulu, Accra and is open everyday from 10am to 10pm. The Clubhouse has a short menu but you'd be amazed. It ranges from mouthwatering hot dogs, burgers and waffles to Italian-style coffee and ice cream. It is a cozy, child-friendly place and is suitable for all events such as birthday parties, business meetings, team building exercises or just hanging out with friends.
The prices are more than affordable so no matter your budget, you sure would enjoy yourself. With just Ghc50 you can afford to use the golf course and eat too!

2. NourishLAB Smoothy's

For my sweet-tooth honeys, NourishLab is the place to be. It has been in existence for about 10 years now and still serves the best and healthiest desserts in Accra. It is located in Upper Oxford Street, Osu. They offer various blends of smoothies prepared with locally-sourced whole fruits loaded with health-inducing fibre. They also serve sandwiches, salads and drinks. They are open from 8am to 11pm everyday. 

3. Champs Sports Bar and Grill

Champs, formerly known as Lexington, offers an international menu, wide coverage of all major sporting events on eight large screens TV and four projector screens and a wide selection of programmes. They have a lineup for each day and that distinguishes them from other nightlife hangouts. Their organized entertainment events include Acoustic Session on Tuesdays, Football, beer and pizza on Wednesdays, Quiz Night on Thursdays, Karaoke on Fridays and Salsa on Saturdays; to please everyone during the week. Top DJ's like DJ Black, DJ KillerFingers, DJ Big L and DJ Vision take care of the dancefloor. The Accra Champs is located in the Paloma Hotel Complex on the Ring Road.   

4. Urban Grill

Not everyday affordable, sometimes spend for luxury! The shiny new Urban Grill is one of the best restaurants in Accra and for good reason too: the food, the decor, the ambience are all superlative. It is located at the Icon House, a new building that also hosts the talked about Vida a caffe, Coco Lounge and La MaisonStanbic Heights, Airport City, Accra. It is open from 7am to 11pm on weekdays and extends till 2am on weekends. Their main courses range from Ghc65 to Ghc130. 

5. Afia African Village

Do you want a weekend escape from the hustle and bustle of the capital without actually leaving Accra? This is your answer! It is situated between the Presidential Castle and the Jamestown Fishing Harbour, specifically, No.2 Liberia Road Extension, Osu (Ministries Area). Afia African Village is designed to take full advantage of the expansive ocean views and cooling sea breezes. Within its traditionally styled architecture, which evokes the very essence of Africa, is Afia Beach Hotel, Hotel Tribes Bar & Restaurant and Afia Gallery. Compared to many other resorts with similar ratings, Afia African Village is quite affordable.

Tuesday 11 August 2015

10 Ways to Get That Perfect Face and Skin

Your skincare routine isn't working because you are still doing some things wrong. If you want to have soft, clear skin, follow the steps below. If you're still having issues with your skin after doing so, see a doctor, the issue you face could be acne, allergies, or something more severe.
1. Wash your face
Wash your face with a gentle cleanser and clear water. This also helps you determine the type of skin you have. After washing your face, if your face is dry and feels tightened; it is a dry skin. If it gets oily around the T areas ie; the chin, forehead and nose then you have a combination.  However if it gets oily immediately, then you have an oily skin.
Avoid scrubbing too hard or using rough washcloths or loofahs. These may irritate your skin and cause blemishes to stay on your face longer. If you want to exfoliate, use a cleanser/ soap that is made to do so instead, or invest in a facial cleansing brushes.
2. Use a toner (optional)
 If your skin is dry, not combination or oily, you can skip this step. Always get an alcohol-free toner, and get a toner that fits your skin type. Toner helps firm and tighten your skin as it wipes away dirt in your pores. Many in our part of the world call this a cleanser as it clears remaining dirt from the face.

3. Moisturize.
You should never skip this step no matter the type of skin you have! Many have the notion that you don't need to moisturize if you have an oily skin and that is false. It's even better to moisturize the face if it's oily as the moisturizer somewhat fills the pores that produce oil.
Moisturizing will regulate the moisture balance of your skin and prevent excess oil production. Choose a moisturizer based on your skin type; If you have oily skin, use a moisturizer with an oil-free formula, if you have acne-prone skin, invest a moisturizer with active acne-fighting ingredients such as tea tree oil. Moisturize every time you wash your face, shave, or simply need the extra moisture.

4. Remove your makeup every night.
 It can be hard to do this if you're very tired, but it pays off. If possible, purchase a make-up removal oil/cream or mix a little water and apply to a cotton wool pad, as make-up removal wipes can be abrasive to the surface of the skin. Some also prefer using a face wipe and eventually rinsing off with water and facial soap. Anyhow you like it, just get that makeup off.

5. Don't pick (or pop) your pimples.
It's usually not a good idea to pick your pimples. It may be tempting if that blackhead has staring you in the face for a day or two, but it's really not worth it. Picking your pimples can have adverse effects. Pimples are temporary, but scars are forever. If you want smooth skin, don't make it harder on yourself by picking pimples.

6. Decrease your sugar intake.
Not to say cut sugar out of your diet, but try to cut back on "false" sugars, like in soda and in candy. Contrary to popular belief, chocolate isn't bad for you, it's all the added sugars that harm your skin. Natural sugars, like sugar cane sugar, aggravate the magnesium in your body, making it difficult for your body to keep itself healthy. From your skin all the way down to your blood cells, your body will thank you if you eat MORE fruit and less candy.

7.  Only use fresh makeup and brushes.
Makeup, like food, gathers bacteria and will eventually go bad. If you've been using the same powders, blush, eyeshadow and mascara for over 6 months, it's probably time to throw everything out and start over. Your skin will thank you for it!
The only exception to this is brushes since they can be cleaned, not thrown away. Pick up an antibacterial makeup brush cleaning formula at the drugstore and, once a month or so, spritz everything down right after you finish your morning routine. Leave the brushes out to air dry throughout the day and overnight.

8.  You need your beauty sleep
Sleep deprivation and stress can manifest as bad skin, so make sure you're getting 7 to 8 hours of quality rest every night. In relation to your sleep, you need to keep your pillows and pillow cases clean. Your hair and pillowcase can spread grease to your face. Wash your pillowcase once it's dirty, preferably every week, and keep your hair clean. You need to sleep like the Queen or King that you are!

9.  Exercise reularly
Sweating helps your skin, and the strength you feel internally will start to show on your face. So in order to get that clear, smooth skin your body deserves, hit the gym, fire up the treadmill, or slice through the water. Do whatever exercise makes you feel good. Walking just 15 minutes a day is a great improvement over standing still.

10.  Drink plenty of water. Most importantly aim to put down 6 to 8 full glasses of water a day, and you'll notice a difference in your skin. The extra fluid makes it easier for you to flush out toxins and waste. The lighter color your pee, the less water you need to drink. When your pee is clear, you're in the clear. When your pee is yellow, it's time to drink more water.
Girls: aim to drink at least 2.2 liters (0.6 US gal), or nine cups of water a day. If you're having trouble drinking that much, cut out all sugary drinks from your diet entirely. Actually, you should try to cut out sugary drinks from your diet for your own health's sake.
Guys: aim to drink at least three liters, or 13 cups, of water a day.

Monday 6 July 2015


   With this little advice, ladies will never have to worry about What to wear before the big night again. There are so many things to be concerned about before heading out on a first date like where to go, what to talk about, what not to talk about, etc. And yet, the number one question we ladies always ask when are about to meet someone for the first time is “What do I wear?”.
It may seem shallow, but how you dress on a first date is pretty important. The reality is, if your date isn’t into the way you look, you might not get the chance to get beyond initial attractions to show how truly great you are; and secure a second date. To make sure you present yourself in the best light, follow these tips for the perfect first date outfit:     
Image result for locations for first dates                                                                  1. The first question to ask yourself when you’re picking an outfit for a first date is where am i going?”. The set location or venue for your date instantly narrows down your clothes to a few that will be considered appropriate. you can’t wear a clubbing outfit to the stadium and vice versa. The clothes you pick have to be suitable also for the time of the day and weather condition. So basically where you are going, the time you are going and the weather condition determines what you wear out.
    2. Another thing to consider when picking outfits for a first date is comfort. LADIES YOU HAVE TO BE COMFORTABLE!! I am actually talking out of experience. I went for a date (actually first date-and i really liked the lad) in a heel i purchased and had never worn. The heel was beautiful but was really painful to wear. But at the time, I just considered its beauty and how perfectly it’ll go with my dress. On the entire date, i had a gruesome face and was so uncomfortable (i nearly cried). Until recently, the lad thought i was just an angry person. You don’t want to go for a date having my face or even worse. Some get so uncomfortable, they have no composure and fidget through out their date (a story i’ll save for another day). So ladies please choose outfits that are a perfect fit and has 0-5% discomfort!
                                               3. Wear makeup but don't exaggerate, most guys hate that. For eyes, which are most important, mascara and eyeliner/eye pencil work best. You can play a little with the colors, but black looks most classic. The whole point of make-up is to make you look better and hide the things you don’t like, so if you want more attention on your lips don’t over-exaggerate on your eyes and so on. Don’t put an inch of foundation on your face, and make sure you put the make-up on after everything, and fifteen minutes before you leave the door so it has time to dry. You want to feel good about yourself and most importantly look good to attract his attention so don’t do too much (else you look too needy-and might scare him off). Some of you ladies prefer nothing at all so kudos (and totally ignore this step).
                                  4. Hygiene ladies, hygiene! Please and please again don’t go out on a date smelling like a bunch of dead rats. Looking good is as important as smelling good. Shave, bath, brush and floss your teeth, and mouthwash right before you leave. Wash your hands and feet carefully in the shower, shampoo your hair, apply deodorant and put it in your bag. Also put on a minimal amount of perfume; guys hate when you wear too much perfume but a little on the wrists and neck is fine. Try a VS perfume. Roll on also works quite well. Go for something more orange or vanilla scented. The entire motive is to smell fresh and nice so don’t overdo it on the scents.
5. Carry along a statement piece that screams you. Of course this depends what you’re wearing and where you’re going but a little accessory never hurt anybody. Accessorize to bring out your personal style since the date is all about getting to know each other. It could be a jewellery, a pair of sunglasses, purse or handbag (basically anything that makes you, you!). Make sure you match it to the outfit, and that it doesn’t look like you went to buy it all with one cedi.

Friday 19 June 2015


 Image result for skin bleaching side effectsImage result for breast implants gone bad pictures


What on earth are some of our ladies looking for? Skin bleaching, butt and boob augmentation seem to be the order of the day now. Butt implant which is basically a reconstructive procedure in cosmetic surgery for reshaping the buttocks is the most common in Ghana now, beside skin bleaching. Buttock implants are very soft, solid silicone implants and breast implants are more like soft, fluid-filled sacks. The sole aim of the ladies who undergo this surgery is to have bigger and firmer buttocks and breasts.
However I believe the struggle is not worth the try. The procedure which is very high in cost have many lethal side effects. Negative reaction to anesthesia, bleeding, infection, butt implant shifting or rupture, nerve damage, asymmetry are just some consequences of the implants. Implants can interfere with detection of cancer, approximately 55% of tumors will be hidden in women with implants. Studies show that women who had implants for at least 12 years were more likely to die from brain tumors, lung cancer, other respiratory diseases, and suicide.
Using chemical bleaches for whitening and bleaching skin can cause harm to your skin in the long run. Dark grey spots, skin cancer, acne, swelling of the skin, thinning of the skin, cataracts, setting down of fat on face, chest, upper back and stomach, increase in appetite and weight gain, osteoporosis, neurological and kidney damage due to high level of mercury used in the creams, psychiatric disorders, severe birth defects, asthma and liver damage are all long term effects of the presence of hydro-quinine in body creams.
Even though qualified surgeons and dermatologists know about the harmfulness of these augmentations and creams, some do not reveal them to patronizers because of the income it brings. Some "surgeons" are also quacks and do not know jack about the effects or the procedure. They are however patronized more because of their lower charge as compared to experienced ones.
The beautiful and celebrated Ghanaian tv host and actress, Ama K. Abebrese, recently launched a campaign against skin bleaching. She said “skin bleaching can cause infertility” and added that it’s unhealthy for any woman to apply skin bleaching creams to her God given skin tone. African celebrities like Ama Boahemaa, Yvonne Nelson, Bright of Buk Bak fame, Oge Okoye, Tonto Dike and Empress Njama have been alleged to have tampered with their skin, according to hypeghana.com and nairaland.com. They have however denied these allegations and associated the huge skin transformation on 'cocoa butter' and their constant drinking of milk. Can you imagine? Men see women who bleach their skin and undergo plastic surgeries to enhance their bodies as weak women who give in to pressure and usually do not settle down with these women. They may have flings and fun with these ladies but the issue of marriage never cross their minds. This is because men are after the brains more than the physical appearance when choosing a life partner. If you are blessed with both the brains and physical assets then consider that a plus. I urge our Ghanaian women(and men) to appreciate their outward appearance(color and stature) since 'beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder'. All women are beautiful regardless of their skin color, boob size or butt size. So I ask again, what on earth are some of our ladies looking for?

Wednesday 17 June 2015


The Ghanaian web series yet to be adapted into a TV series has been listed on the CNN top 10 African shows you need to see. According to Lauren Said Moorhouse who reports for CNN, "No list of popular African shows would be complete without An African City." The series which was created and directed by Nicole Amartefio, is often described as Africa's Sex and the City and became an internet sensation when its first season debuted on March 2, 2014. It portrayed the African woman as beautiful, glamorous and intelligent other than the sole narrative of the African woman being helpless, sick and poor. The Season Two of the series is currently being shot and will be released later in the year.
You can also watch Season One on Youtube https://www.youtube.com/user/AnAfricanCity

Wednesday 10 June 2015

#NEWGUY review


I was itching to listen to this collaboration between our very own Sarkodie and Acehood.This song got the most public attention after the scandal of who actually called who for the collaboration, if the collaboration actually attracted $25,000 and if that was the main reason why Sarkodie did not show up the #dumsormuststop vigil. All I'm saying is this, the anticipation for #NEWGUY was great and I don't think I was the only person who got caught up in the #NEWGUY fever. Congratulations to Sarkodie for the execution of this very nice song.
    However I would love to ask Sark and the SarkNation some few questions. Sark, did you actually mean it when you told Acehood that you were going to build him a statue in Africa at the 3:11 minute of the song? I mean we don't even have a statue of Theodosia Okoh or Ephraim Amu  here in Ghana and you want to build Acehood one? Wow! Did you have to also tarnish the image of a neighborhood you are from to the world? Was it really necessary? We are now in a New Africa where Africa is being portrayed as a beautiful place and you had to say Tema was a slum in Africa. Were you trying to mean suicide is the order of the day for Africans?? OUR AFRICA!! I mean really though, Sammy Forson you better do the talking.
    So we all know Acehood to be a very hard rapper but his cool verses on #NEWGUY made me believe the song was actually his because Sark went too hard on his first verse and wasn't allowed to change it. $25,000 paaaaa! He actually said he was going to send Acehood to Africa because his people love him but majority of us are here asking; WHO THE HECK IS ACEHOOD charley? Stop throwing dust into Ace's eyes. LOL
    All in all though thanks for putting Ghana on a map but please do a better representation next time; like Davido did in #FansMi. Well done SarkNation.

Tuesday 9 June 2015



Image result for water resistant makeup
 You do not want to turn up for that important event with a rainbow face after passing through the rains. Ladies be sure the makeup you are wearing stays on in this unsteady rainy season. Our regular makeup can hold up in extreme conditions but is not totally reliable. You can use a little known pro secret to get your makeup to be very water resistant or purchase makeup with built in water resistant formulas. Consider makeup such as Clinique Almost Makeup, L'Oreal Voluminous Waterproof Mascara and MAC Pro Longwear Lipcolor to prevent your savings from running down or smearing easily down your face after a rainy day.

Image result for water resistant case for iphoneImage result for water resistant african print laptop bags
When going out while it's raining, one should consider the type of fabric used for the production of phone cases, laptop cases, wallets, makeup bags and even handbags. Be sure these items are made of very resistant to water fabrics to avoid destruction of valuable items such as phones, laptops, money, makeup, files, etc. 

The shoes to wear in this kind of season or weather should be able to keep the feet warm and be resistant to the rains.Flat shoes and sandals are advised but block heels are best for ladies who can not go without their heels. Shoes made of leather, nylon, satin and denim are not advisable for this kind of weather. The best shoe fabric for rainy seasons is PVC and can be worn stylishly too.

Stylish and chic raincoats or trench coats are must haves this season. They prevent rains from touching the body. It can be worn over official clothing to the workplace or lectures or thrown over a  sexy piece for a night out.

There is a saying that goes 'you say you love rain, but you use an umbrella to walk under it' and they were not wrong with this. No matter how much we love the rains and the cool temperature it brings, we definitely need an umbrella to walk under it. It protects you and your clothing from direct contact with the rain. It is the most important accessory this rainy season and they come in different color patterns too.