Wednesday 27 September 2017


By now you're well aware that any information gleaned on the internet should be taken with a very, very large grain of salt. That maxim is especially true when it comes to beauty (here's looking at you, Pinterest). For reasons unbeknownst to me, the rise in makeup and skin hacks popping up on YouTube and Instagram doesn't seem to have an apex. We're all about a clever solution or a money-saving tip, but this stuff? Not so much.
In order to sort out the good from the no-definitely-don't-do-that, I consulted some experts, who gave me the plain and simple truth. That way, next time you come across a video recommending you smear diaper-rash cream on your face, you'll think twice.

1) Limes In Place Of Deodorant
The idea of rubbing a lime under your pits is zesty and earth-friendly, right? But experts say it could quickly take a turn for the worse (lime is acidic, after all).  "Limes can cause skin irritation and red, burning, scalding rashes." Even a splash of the highly sun-reactive citrus from a poolside margarita could be majorly bad news.

Try Instead: Regular deodorant is your best bet. But you can also use a cleansing towelette and a mist of fragrance if you're in a pinch.

2) Using Mouthwash To Combat Dandruff
Another hack on the nope scale.  Some claim that the ingredients in a product like Listerine (menthol, thymol, eucalyptol, and methyl salicylate), are prime for banishing tiny, white flakes. But this is definitely false.

"There is no scientific data to support this. Dandruff is caused by an overgrowth of yeast and is often accompanied by a compromised skin barrier,” she says. “I'd worry that use of a strong alcohol-based mouthwash could further disrupt the scalp's skin barrier, only exacerbating the problem.”, a dermatologist says.
 She adds that the solution could also alter color-treated hair.

Try Instead: Sometimes, it's best not to mess with a good thing. The most effective way to combat dandruff is with a clinically proven zinc pyrithione shampoo-and-conditioner regimen.

3) Using A Stiletto, Knife, Or Plunger To Contour
The list for why this is a bad idea is pretty lengthy, but at the tippy-top is the unsanitary and dangerous nature of these "tools."

Try Instead: Literally anything else with a straight line. Here are some obvious suggestions: A piece of paper, ruler, pencil, book, notebook, credit card...should we keep going?

4) Petroleum Jelly For Your Acne

We once saw an overwhelming amount of people on Instagram suggest putting petroleum jelly on top of a fresh breakout — kind of suspect, right? While skin doesn't literally need to breathe, a heavy petroleum isn't our first choice of action. You're better off using the jelly on top of other acne medications, like a BHA or salicylic acid, instead. That way you're sealing in potent ingredients that will help battle your most inflamed spots.

Try Instead: There are acne stickers that are infused with acne-fighting ingredients. Your week-long breakout will be gone in two days with those and definitely not petroleum jelly.

5) Garlic For Pimples
Because pimples are like vampires? Another no-no. Garlic has anti-inflammatory properties and may reduce the size of a single, big pimple. But, it will leave you smelling like an Italian restaurant. Basically, file this one under not dangerous, but also not so pleasant.

Try Instead: It's not as memorable, but a dab of a 1% over-the-counter cortisone cream is pretty effective.

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