Wednesday 6 December 2017


Call it a place to walk, stroll, eat, enjoy!!! You can spend a whole evening partying around these places. During this period you are definitely going to hang out with friends and family. You can be at either of these places all of the Christmas season and it'll never become old or boring.


Pergola Gardens is a great place to hangout with friends and family especially this Christmas season. The ambiance is great, large and clean pool, lots of food from the amazing restaurant and drinks from the bar. Pergola is located at #24 Garden Road, East Legon, near A&C Shopping Mall in Accra. You can call them on +233 24 4309 745.


This is an impressive mini golf course that holds appeal for fun-loving adults as much as children. The 18-hole course has the usual challenges and tricks. You’ll also find a clubhouse serving snacks and there's a bar also. Oh, and there’s jazz on Thursday evenings. Marvel's Minigolf is located at Forest Avenue, Abelenkpe Traffic Light at Dzorwulu in Accra. You can call them on +233 30 291 5400.


Villa Monticello is a luxury boutique hotel which features free WiFi throughout the property; something the kids especially love. They also have a great pool and equally amazing food and drinks. Their staff is very welcoming and professional. Villa Monticello Hotel is situated at 1A Jasmine Road Airport Residential Area in Accra. You can call them on +233 30 277 3477 or +233 26 630 7398.


The Royal Senchi is the best and ultimate luxury 5-star getaway hotel in Ghana delivering top-rated services in the state-of-the art facility. Breakfast is free. There's a restaurant, a cocktail lounge, and an airy bar with open-air seating. Other amenities include an outdoor pool, a gym and a spa, as well as tennis courts and a playground. Boat and kayak rentals are offered. The Royal Senchi Resort Hotel is located at Senchi Ferry Road, Akosombo in the Eastern Region. You can call them on +233 30 340 9180.


Villa Posillipo is a great and relaxing place to hangout this Christmas. They have amazing food and drinks. Their nearness to the beach makes hanging out there very cozy. Posillipo is located at Sakumono, Tema Beach Road at the fomerly known Mighty Beach. You can call them on +233 24 535 0025.

Monday 13 November 2017


Well yeah..I know I said plague and you lot know it is. Don’t chastise me for being the one to actually say it.


It just hits you without any prior warnings or manuals or handbooks and you may sometimes not even enjoy the benefits it comes with. (Adulthood is as trash as men - for banters please. Don’t come for my head)

For many people they are quick to say they realized or were hit by adulthood at the age of 18. LMAOOOOO

Let’s be serious here…you, an 18 year old female (or male - we don’t joke in Africa), living with either parent realized you were an adult by the age of 18? You can not be serious!

My older sister who is married with 2 kids still gets curfew when she’s around here.

According to my Oxford dictionary, an adult is a person who is fully grown or developed; mentally and emotionally.

So in a typical African household, as long as you are living in that household, you can not be an adult. 

You are not allowed to make decisions pertaining your OWN mental and emotional well being without a parent or parent figure rising to tell you how it should be done.

I can understand their intrusive nature. We are in a community where every parent (and by parent I mean AFRICAN MOTHER) wants the very best for their kids and they actually believe that you are never mature or “old enough” to make the best decision for yourself.

Enough of that. Let’s actually take the question into perspective here; “WHEN DID YOU REALIZE YOU WERE AN ADULT?”

I was in a “socialite/elitist/feminist” group and must I say I was surprised when this question came up.
About 90% of these "elite females" were quick to respond that they realized they were adults after some male species yelled something sexist to them.

So you’re randomly walking or going somewhere and some “alpha male” (Lucas) yells “nice tits!” or “nice bum” in your face and how you’re able to respond to that; that composure, they claim, is the measurement of adulthood as a female or when you know you’re an adult.

Bullocks! I randomly yelled “suck my dick” back to those bullies. (Ain’t nothing matured about that!)

But on a more serious note, I’d love to know when you lot realized you were an adult. 

Mine was when I spent GHC300 on some Steve Madden shoes I was eyeing for forever and wore them for a D’Black concert (absolute waste of pretty banging shoes) and my mum couldn’t interfere. 

That was the big adulthood break for me.

Wednesday 27 September 2017


By now you're well aware that any information gleaned on the internet should be taken with a very, very large grain of salt. That maxim is especially true when it comes to beauty (here's looking at you, Pinterest). For reasons unbeknownst to me, the rise in makeup and skin hacks popping up on YouTube and Instagram doesn't seem to have an apex. We're all about a clever solution or a money-saving tip, but this stuff? Not so much.
In order to sort out the good from the no-definitely-don't-do-that, I consulted some experts, who gave me the plain and simple truth. That way, next time you come across a video recommending you smear diaper-rash cream on your face, you'll think twice.

1) Limes In Place Of Deodorant
The idea of rubbing a lime under your pits is zesty and earth-friendly, right? But experts say it could quickly take a turn for the worse (lime is acidic, after all).  "Limes can cause skin irritation and red, burning, scalding rashes." Even a splash of the highly sun-reactive citrus from a poolside margarita could be majorly bad news.

Try Instead: Regular deodorant is your best bet. But you can also use a cleansing towelette and a mist of fragrance if you're in a pinch.

2) Using Mouthwash To Combat Dandruff
Another hack on the nope scale.  Some claim that the ingredients in a product like Listerine (menthol, thymol, eucalyptol, and methyl salicylate), are prime for banishing tiny, white flakes. But this is definitely false.

"There is no scientific data to support this. Dandruff is caused by an overgrowth of yeast and is often accompanied by a compromised skin barrier,” she says. “I'd worry that use of a strong alcohol-based mouthwash could further disrupt the scalp's skin barrier, only exacerbating the problem.”, a dermatologist says.
 She adds that the solution could also alter color-treated hair.

Try Instead: Sometimes, it's best not to mess with a good thing. The most effective way to combat dandruff is with a clinically proven zinc pyrithione shampoo-and-conditioner regimen.

3) Using A Stiletto, Knife, Or Plunger To Contour
The list for why this is a bad idea is pretty lengthy, but at the tippy-top is the unsanitary and dangerous nature of these "tools."

Try Instead: Literally anything else with a straight line. Here are some obvious suggestions: A piece of paper, ruler, pencil, book, notebook, credit card...should we keep going?

4) Petroleum Jelly For Your Acne

We once saw an overwhelming amount of people on Instagram suggest putting petroleum jelly on top of a fresh breakout — kind of suspect, right? While skin doesn't literally need to breathe, a heavy petroleum isn't our first choice of action. You're better off using the jelly on top of other acne medications, like a BHA or salicylic acid, instead. That way you're sealing in potent ingredients that will help battle your most inflamed spots.

Try Instead: There are acne stickers that are infused with acne-fighting ingredients. Your week-long breakout will be gone in two days with those and definitely not petroleum jelly.

5) Garlic For Pimples
Because pimples are like vampires? Another no-no. Garlic has anti-inflammatory properties and may reduce the size of a single, big pimple. But, it will leave you smelling like an Italian restaurant. Basically, file this one under not dangerous, but also not so pleasant.

Try Instead: It's not as memorable, but a dab of a 1% over-the-counter cortisone cream is pretty effective.

Friday 10 March 2017

DEPRESSION: Not a joking sturrvs

Many a times, depression is taken really lightly in our part of the world...BUT it is a big deal! A DEPRESSIVE DISORDER is not a passing blue mood but rather persistent feelings of sadness and/or worthlessness and a lack of desire to engage in formerly pleasurable activities

Image result for SUICIDE depression Today, I am not a blogger or anything. Just a person...a person who knows what it feels like to be depressed. A person who has had a lack to engage in pleasurable activities. A person who has had suicidal thoughts. 

Yes, I have had suicidal thoughts...because at a time you think being out of this world, would make everything better. You think you have no reason to live. You think "Even God has given up on me." 
That moment, that split second, you assume no one is going through more pain than you are.

And it's even worse going through this in a typical African home; with African parents who believe that "your mates (who are doing better) do not have two heads"!!

It's unbearable when you are surrounded by people yet have no one to talk to. Not a single soul! Because you parents don't wanna hear about you "little" issues, your siblings are looking up to you, your bestfriend might just spill it all out to the world and your boyfriend thinks you're overreacting.

And we females are even more prone to this disorder because of how vulnerable we are, how our brains overthink issues and how badly we are at dealing with bad situations. Not a single soul wants to even try and understand your frustrations, your problems...everyone just assumes you're PMS'ing!! Everyone wants you to shut up 'cos someone is going through worse in life.

But the thing is we all don't have the same strength to absorb and deal with events. "One man's meat is definitely another man's poison". What will tear me apart will seem like "a small sturrvs" to you but yours may seem irrelevant to me too. So let just be there for each other. Let's stop being hypocritical. Let's listen to our wards and kids even though their problems don't seem to matter. Let us make therapists available for these amazing people who are going through trying times. 
Image result for SUICIDE depression Hmph! Depression is real. Depression is growing even more rampant in our generation. Depression is taking too many lives. Lives of too many beautiful human beings that the world needs...SIMPLY BECAUSE THERE IS NO ONE TO TALK TO!!!

It's about time we come together to fight this monster called DEPRESSION!!
It's about time we become our 'brothers' keeper'!
It's about time we become better parents, friends...better human beings!
It's about time we get educated on depression!!

In partnership with Makeup by Dela,Hair by Larousha and NuvivicakesGh we're starting a secondary school tour  education on depression. You can click the link below to join a whatsapp group or leave your comments down in the comment box and i'd happily reply your comments. 


Click link to join group

Tuesday 7 March 2017

CHEATING: The Discussion

Hey lovelies! So this issue has been bugling my mind for some time now. I mean this is a real issue affecting most lives. Hope you enjoy.

In a very broad sense, cheating involves betraying a partner’s expectations about the type of contact the cheater has with others.

When a husband or wife, boyfriend or girlfriend, violates one’s expectations about what is appropriate, people feel betrayed. Keep in mind that relationships are not based on logic, but are influenced by our emotions.

As a result, cheating is difficult to define because people differ in the type of contact they feel it is appropriate for a partner to have with someone else.

Cheating is the getting of a reward for ability or finding an easy way out of an unpleasant situation by dishonest means according to a dictionary...and I totally agree!

Most of us find the easiest way out of difficult situations by just cheating. 

I know the question on your mind now is "why do people cheat?" 

Basically, when it comes to infidelity, two related explanations have been given.

The first explanation is probably the most well known: Spouses cheat because of problems in their relationship. Something is missing, passion has faded, partners feel lonely, a partner finds someone who treats them better or who appreciates them more than their current spouse, and so on.

Simply stated, people claim that they are not happy in their relationship, so they look for love and affection elsewhere.

The second explanation is more detailed in nature. This explanation ignores the reasons that people give for cheating and looks deeper into our human nature.

The second explanation explores what it means to be human and asks: "Why is being faithful to a spouse so difficult for many people?"

Probably the best way to think about these two explanations is to view them as two sides of the same coin.

One explanation looks at what people say about infidelity, while the other explanation looks at how and why infidelity occurs.

Together, both explanations give us a more complete picture about infidelity, love, and romance.

Comment below and share your reason for cheating, which gender is more unfaithful in a relationship, how you found out your partner was cheating or any other thing you wanna share on this topic.


Friday 13 January 2017


Hey guys!!!! So i promised to do a blog every week and i'm trying to deliver. So my male readers have had lots of complaints...basically they feel that they're being left out. So i decided to include them on a very touchy subject. Is beard the makeup for guys???!!

You take a good look at the average university guy on campus and you'd notice a trend or "gang" called “the beard gang”. This is where guys grow their beards to cover their chins and side burns. Though beautiful, this growing trend is becoming a must for these lads. The growing of beards has been equated to the use of makeups on the side of ladies. 

One may ask, does growing of beards make a guy more handsome?
Image result for drake with and without beard

The beard works for Drake so certainly it does!!
I once saw this guy who, prior to growing his beard was not that handsome; but after growing his beard, he could pass for my prince charming. 
On countless occasions i've heard guys say girls who use makeup are totally deceptive. Now if guys say they won’t date a girl who constantly has makeup on, why should girls also date a bearded guy? 

Image result for guys before and after beard

Beards are equally as deceptive as makeup. Makeup makes ladies look prettier just as beards make guys look...well...hotter. I mean most guys rant about how different girls look without their makeup. It has become 'normal' for guys to throw shade at girls after they see them without makeup on. Well I just wanted these same guys to ask themselves if they'd be cool if I, or many other ladies out there, ask “Will I want to date a bearded guy?” and “What if he takes the beard off and what I see is not what I want” before going on dates with them. Doesn't feel good for y'all hiding behind the mask of hair, does it?
Image result for dark skin girls before and after makeup

I mean, I love me a bearded guy (and i'm certainly NOT trying to throw any shade here) but it's not fair that ladies out there are mocked (or even worse) for not looking "the same" without makeup on. Ask yourself if you'd buy ghc300 (or more) worth of product to look "the same"!!

But beards are cool (almost too cool) and whether it's corporately accepted or not, our young lads are going to rock the hell out of their facial hair. So it better be accepted now.

Don't forget to leave your comments in the comment section and lemme know what you think about makeup and beards and what you want me to post about.

Shout outs to my girl Doreen Tutera for helping me with this write up. (Baby girl come for your credits...lmao)